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An A to Z of the Library

A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H     I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z

About the University Library
Article databases (German)

Carrier bags
Charges/library fines (German)
Chip cards
Citavi Reference management software (German)
Classification system (German)
Clothing (German)
Collections held by the academic staff (German)/ suggestions for new acquisitions (German)/ List (German)
Collegium Polonicum (CP), Library (CP)
Computer workstations
Contact persons (German)
Copyright law (German)
Corporate users
Course catalogues

Databases (German) - passwords (German)
DBIS (Database Information System) (German)
Dedecius Archive (German)
Degree dissertations, searches in the Library Catalogue (German) (OPAC)
Dictionaries (German)
Digital dissertations
Digitalisation project in Wroclaw (examples) (German)
Dissertations, Form for submitting a copy to the University Library
Dissertations in digital form
Dissertations, searches in the Library Catalogue (German) (OPAC)
Document delivery services
Donations (German)

Electronic documents in EUV - OPUS
Electronic journals
Electronic Journals Library (EZB) - Direct access (German)
Electronic Journals Library (EZB) - Information for users (German)
Email (start page for EUV accounts of students and staff) (German)
European Documentation Centre (EDC) (German)
Examination papers, search in the OPAC (German)
Exmatriculation, see Deregistration
External searches
External users
EZB (Electronic Journals Library) - Direct access (German)

Fees and fines
Field structure tables (German)
Frequently asked questions

Guest users

How books are organised
How media are organised

Information Desk
Information skills
Interlibrary loans
Internet access in the halls of residence (German)

Journals / Video tutorial: How to find e-journals and online journal articles?

Karl Dedecius Archive, with link to the Kalliope Catalogue (German)
Kewenig (scholar’s collection) (German)
Kittsteiner (scholar’s collection) (German)

Language CentreLanguage Centre - Independent Learning Centre
Layout of Reading Room
Lending conditions
Libraries in Frankfurt (Oder) (German)
Library cards, lost cards
Library workshops
List of new acquisitions  > Click on "What's New" in the top line of the Library Catalogue
List of periodicals held by the University Library (list of all periodicals in alphabetical order / alphabetical list of periodicals arranged by originators) (German)
Loan periods
Location numbers
Loss of library card

Michler (scholar’s collection) (German)
Microfiches, microfilm (German)
Moodle (German)

Network printers
New acquisitions on order (German)
News (German)

Opening hours
Open access(German)
OPAC  android-app for access via smartphone
OPUS (Electronic documents at the EUV)

Padlocks for lockers
Password for the University Library (German) / database (German)
Photocopiers (locations, method of payment: coins or by chip card)
Printers / locations, method of payment (coins or by chip card)

Reader printers (German)
Red stickers on books
Reference management software Citavi (German)
Regensburg Classification System (RVK) (German)
Request for semester reserves (German)

Scanners (German) / locations
Scholars’ collections in the University Library (German)
Semester reserves  / Requests (German) / Lists (German)
Special locations
Specialised databases (German)
Specialist information (German)
Stacks  - how to request items
Student assistants (Confirmation of Department) (German)
Subject specialist librarians
Suggestions for new acquisitions (German)
Systematic organisation of media

Technical equipment
Terms of use (German)
Textbook Collection
Tours (German)

Under 18s
University archive
USB sticks (Printing)
User account
User number
User password

Viewing a user account (German)
Viewing user data (German)
viacampus (German)
VPN (Virtual Private Network) (German)

Weekend loans
WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network)

Yellow stickers on books